Monday, December 12, 2011

ignore vs??

Ignore VS Acknowledge

When someone close ignore us, we feel sad. May be very sad. But,don't we ever think that ALLAH's ignorance is the saddest and the worse one? Why we bother so much about being ignored by our friend, right?? 

Does he/she will guarantee that we definitely go to jannah?? 

Does he/she that will help us, be with us at anytime and everywhere when we are alone or need help?? 

Please realize quickly. It is all from our Khaliq, ALLAH S.W.T. MasyaAllah, SubhanAllah, Allah itu Maha Hebat lagi Maha Agung. Tiada siapa boleh tandingi kekuasaanNya..Maha Suci Allah..

Our life will become so painful, sad, could not reach calmness, could not have inner peace in mind and soul, and feel like there's always something goes wrong if Allah ignore us. If we had these symptom, pleasa awake and ask for HIS forgiveness. Maybe our heart is full with black spot whereby each black spot represents a sin we done. Astaghfirullahal'azim..

Ya Allah, kuatkanlah hatiku untuk menempuh ranjau hidup yang pernuh dengan liku ini ya Allah..Jadika aku ya Allah sebagai seorang hambaMU yang soleh, diberkati dan dirahmati kehidupannya di dunia dan di akhirat.  Yang paling utama ialah bertemu denganMu ya Allah dalam keadaan Engkau redha padaku dan aku jauh dari golongan2 yang Engkau murkai dan golongan2 yang sesat. A~miinn....

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